If You Want Love

If You Want Love


更新:2023-08-13 04:59
I just need some time I'm tryna think straight
我需要点时间 好好考虑
I just need a moment in my own space
需要点时间 独处一下
Ask me how I'm doin' I'll say okay yeah
你问我最近如何 我说还不错
But ain't that what we all say
Sometimes I think back to the old days
In the pointless conversations with the old me
Yeah back when my momma used to hold me
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want love you gon' have to go through the pain
如果你渴望着爱 你就要经受住痛苦的考验
If you want love you gon' have to learn how to change
想要爱 就必须学会改变
If you want trust you gon' have to give some away
想要信任 你就要学会付出
If you want love if you want love
Look as a kid I used to think life
当我还是个孩子 我就思考着生活的意义
Is moving so slow I watch it go by
时光是如此缓慢 我看着它们慢慢溜走
Look out the window on my bus ride
I thought the world was so small through my closed eyes
闭上双眼 感觉这个世界是如此渺小
I've always tried to control things
In the end that's what controls me
Maybe that's why I'm controllin'
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want love you gon' have to go through the pain
如果你渴望着爱 你就要经受住痛苦的考验
If you want love you gon' have to learn how to change
想要爱 就必须学会改变
If you want trust you gon' have to give some away
想要信任 你就要学会付出
If you want love if you want love
The older I get I feel like I'm always tryna save time
随着我愈加成熟 我更加珍惜光阴
Talkin' to the voices in my head they make me think twice
和脑中的声音对话 三思而后行
Telling me it doesn't mean it's wrong because it feels right
告诉自己 当我放纵自己 并不意味着这是罪大恶极的事情
I'm scared that one day I wake up and wonder where the time go
我很害怕 当我有一天醒来 却感叹自己虚度了光阴
Talk about the past like it's the present while I rock slow
向过去的经验学习 我会悠然地度过自己的人生
I'll sit in the living room and laugh with kids of my own
我会坐在客厅 和我的孩子们打闹嬉戏
And tell 'em
If you want love you gon' have to go through the pain
如果你渴望着爱 你就要经受住痛苦的考验
I wish you woulda told me
If you want love you gon' have to learn how to change
想要爱 就必须学会改变
I wish somebody woulda told me
If you want trust you gon' have to give some away
想要信任 你就要学会付出
You gon' have to give
If you want love if you want love
If you want love if you want love