

Imagine Dragons

更新:2023-08-15 19:59
Fall right down to the bottom
沉落 坠入深渊
Boy with the motto
Stay but I oughta leave and trust me, my heart bleeds
坐在落叶旁 请相信我 我已沉浸在心如刀割的境地
I feel it with fear
我感受到 恐惧悄然而至
Drip, drop, drink out of the bottle
瓶中的水 已被饮得一干二净
Boy with the heart of gold, get run over by heaven knows what
有着一颗金子般 灿烂之心的男孩 可惜未曾能预料 会有如何的结局
Weary soldier, I get older, life gets colder
随着岁月成长 却也疲惫不堪的士兵 而生活却变得越加让人心寒
Sometimes I get a little bit scared at night
甚至有时 会对夜晚来临感到不安
I get a little preoccupied
The sirens in my mind, the sirens in my mind
存于我脑海中 塞壬的歌声 时时刻刻 不曾停歇
I just wanna be good again
但我只是想 让自己焕然一新
I wanna make it to the end
我也只是想 坚持到最后一刻
The sirens in my mind, the sirеns in my mind
存于我脑海中 塞壬的歌声 时时刻刻 不曾停歇
Autumn, stuck in the grotto
秋季已至 被困于窘境(这里洞穴应该指比较窘迫的境地)
Been tryin' for the lottery but nеver win
一直买着彩票 却一发未中
My heart bleeds, I feel it with fear
此时的心 已然不再活跃 从而感到害怕
Drop, drop, way down to the bottom
瓶中的水 已被饮得一干二净
Boy with the heart of gold, get run over by heaven knows what
有着一颗金子般 灿烂之心的男孩 可惜未曾能预料 会有如何的结局
Weary soldier, I get older, life gets colder
随着岁月成长 却也疲惫不堪的士兵 而生活却变得越加让人心寒
Sometimes I get a little bit scared at night
甚至有时 会对夜晚来临感到不安
I get a little preoccupied
The sirens in my mind, the sirens in my mind
存于我脑海中 塞壬的歌声 时时刻刻 不曾停歇
I just wanna be good again
但我只是想 让自己焕然一新
I wanna make it to the end
我也只是想 坚持到最后一刻
The sirens in my mind, the sirens in my mind
存于我脑海中 塞壬的歌声 时时刻刻 不曾停歇
The sirens in my mind, the sirens in my mind
存于我脑海中 塞壬的歌声 时时刻刻 不曾停歇
Sirens, sirens
Sirens, sirens
Drowning me out, drowning me out
不曾停歇 将我淹没